I was lucky to spot this very small waterhen at Wilberforce a few years ago. It foraged in clear view of me as I was kneeling in waist deep water of a swamp. About the size of a Noisy Miner. Very small birds. :)
A larger version can be seen here:
Not often seen in the open, so great job getting this one, Akos. One of the best shots of this species that I've seen.
Melbourne, VIC
I have to agree with George on this one.....top shot mate..I can appreciate what it took to get that.
incredible shot akos. I never knew they were that small. No wonder they're so hard to find.
Cheers, Owen.
I'll even share the story. :) I was walking up to my knees in this lagoon and there is a row of willows about 40m in from the edge, totally in the water when I noted a small bird low on one of the branches. At first I had no idea what the heck it was, because it sat frozen in the shade of the tree about 40m from me. I then slowly got to my knees and submerged into the water with the tripod keeping the camera safe. I edged my way close, meter by meter and the bird suddenly flew to my side of the lagoon. I then carefully rushed closer while it was immersed in the swamp vegetation then followed it from within a 10m radius as it foraged in between clumps of vegetation. I was rapt as anything you could imagine!!!! What an awesome little bird and incredibly humbling experience. Even better, I told a couple of birder mates who went a few days later and from my maps provided, found the bird in the same general area. About a year later, I saw another specimen in a less than ideal surrounding though, which let me walk up to it as close as about five meters. A gorgeous little bird. See more photos in my Rails gallery here:
How exciting to find crakes in the billabong and take shots of them.
Cheers, Owen.
Lovely photo of a bird I have never heard of. I admire your dedication - I couldn't imagine taking my camera into a swamp. It makes a good story - I like hearing the stories behind the photos
Akos, that is a superb shot of a beautiful little bird! I have never seen one and the colours in the water and weed work so well with the bird's colours and I love the story. Like you , I'd be in there using the tripod to keep things safe. The only thing that would stop me would be worrying about snakes :')
When I was shooting the Sootys I was in rock pools with the monopod and when I have done the rainforest this Wet season it has meant sloshing through streams but for me it adds to the experience if you have to work for a shot and you really get to FEEL the environment like that.
Well done as usual your photo is beautifully taken.
Sunshine Coast Queensland