Tawny with baby and Osprey

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rjwaring's picture
Tawny with baby and Osprey

Tawny Frogmouth with Baby

Eastern Osprey

Wanda's picture

WOW such amazing shots rjwaring! Thanks for sharing those. Actually thanks for all your wonderful photos you have been posting. Love both but the Tawny and baby is a fav.

rjwaring's picture

Thanks Wanda. We were really lucky with this family of Tawnys. We watched the chicks double in size over a week. There is actually 2 chicks and the mum but this was the photo that showed mum and baby best.

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

Araminta's picture

Those photos are fantastic!! Did you have the Tawnys and chicks on your property? Is the Osprey about to land? His "landing gear" isn't fully extended yet! I love the photos rjwaring!


akasha's picture

I love the Twanys! Thats one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

rjwaring's picture

Thanks for the comments Araminta and Akasha. Alas we live in town so not on our property. This photo is from Barn Hill Station, about 100 kms south of Broome. And yes, the Osprey had about 4 more photos before it landed, right above me on the telegraph pole

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

Owen1's picture

Richard impressive shots and that osprey in flight is amazing. Thanks for sharing such wonderful shots.

Cheers, Owen.

rjwaring's picture

Thanks Owen1, our family was pretty awestruck by both of the above when we were watching them

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

Windhover's picture

Love the tawny family, the osprey is good too. Maybe a little tightly framed. :)

Birdgirl2009's picture

The tawny with baby is unbelievably cute and the osprey shot is amazing - it really draws attention to the size of the talons

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