Birds around home lately

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Owen1's picture
Birds around home lately

I haven't gone out for a walk anywhere lately so I thought I'd take some shots from around our street.

Brown Thornbill feeding in neighbour's trees

A very underrated bird - a Little raven (correct me if I'm wrong)

Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike caught at an undignified moment

Rainbow Lorikeet in our apricot tree

birdie's picture

Nicely done Owen ... I did the same and went creeping around my yard, I must find them and post them .

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Owen1's picture

Thanks Birdie. It took me a few goes before I could get a thornbill shot because whenever I went outside they seemed to disappear. There were also some very cheeky scrubwrens in a thick bush taunting me and, of course out of camera range.

Cheers, Owen.

birdie's picture

oh yes Owen, I put up with those cheeky scrub wrens every morning....very noisy and very fast!!! The variegated ones are much more cooperative

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Windhover's picture

Nice images Owen. Well done getting the Bifcus pooping. LOL! Mate, you can never have a long enough lens for bird photography. :-)

Birdgirl2009's picture

Nice birds around your home! I have seen a lot of BFCSs around here lately too. Good poo shot. I have taken so many BOP photos that I have a few poo shots too

Owen1's picture

Thanks everyone. Wrens are very cheeky and active.
Akos, have you seen the mother of all zoom lenses - the nikon 1200-1700mm lens 88cm long and weighing 16 kilos. Imagine having to cart that thing around!
i think I'll settle with the good old 100-500 for now!

Cheers, Owen.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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