Some of this weeks water birds

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birdie's picture
Some of this weeks water birds

Tried a change of scene this week and saw a few lovely birds

Eastern Osprey


AUstralasian Gannet

The same silver gull

LIttle egret

Owen1's picture

Very nice shots Birdie. I would kill to see an osprey soaring above the sea.
I think your immature sea eagle is actually a whistling kite due to the very long tail and wing markings.

Cheers, Owen.


Nice shots Birdie....thx for "Sharing"

Windhover's picture

Love the Little Egrets. I haven't seen one of them for years. Agree with Owen about Whistling Kite, that's the first thing I thought of when I saw the image, then I read the caption. The Silver Gull is very obliging. Certainly a good subject for practicing. :-) Well done Adrienne.

birdie's picture

Sorry about the wrong ID know I am useless at BOP when they are up high . Thanks for your comments anyway

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Birdgirl2009's picture

Very nice. It looks as if you have a good supply of BOP as well. The gannet is a terrific find and the egret is as pretty as a picture among the water lilies

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