mixed bag

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sparrow's picture
mixed bag

Thought I'd post some of my favorite photos

sparrow's picture

i hate photobucket

sparrow's picture

birdie's picture

Lovely sparrow..... BSK is beautiful and I love the terns. I am always looking for somewhere to set up shot like that...unfortunately we dont have any piers up here. Used to love doing it in Busselton when we lived in W.A.
Nice perch for the EYR ...they never sit on anything like that for me LOL

Sunshine Coast Queensland

sparrow's picture

The tern shot is the one that started me photographing birds l was there to shoot another boring sunset saw this and spent the evening chasing birds instead

Owen1's picture

Nice shots and they are well composed Sparrow. I love the kite shot.

Cheers, Owen.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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