the noisy miners fighting for good feeding spots with the other birds....i just missed the blue-eyed HE unfortunately..oh well...
they are nice anyway....they just hatched out 2 babies in our hoop-pine and are very protective ! doing fake attacks on all of us....dogs and cats and all.......
noisy miner
Wed, 21/09/2011 - 04:21
noisy miner
They are pesky but cute, especially when they have babies grevs I have been snipped heaps of times in a local park.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
We have heaps of them in our yard every day. I love your native plants
Ah yes, the noisy miners. Unfortunately they have taken over parts of Brissy, but some of the best birding spots are still free of the pesky things. Nice shot anyway.
Would I be right in saying that the spots that are relatively free of noisy miners have a high quality understorey, timnmarg?
Yes you are correct - good understory = lots of small species.
hi all
thank you very much for all your nice comments...
i like those pesky birds..they are real characters alright with personalities.... and they seem to have an understanding but with the other native birds/HE as we have 3 hoop-pines and one is nesting place for the miners and the other two have nests of the blue eyed HE in them and they all get along ok ....they only scquabble if they land in the wrong tree !! lol