Long Forest NCR

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Owen1's picture
Long Forest NCR

Yesterday I took advantage of a great Melbourne day and went to Long Forest Nature Conservation Reserve down the Happy Valley Track. and saw quite a few birds. Others that are not shown below that I saw are; lots of Superb Fairy Wrens and white-winged Choughs, Red Wattlebird, Welcome Swallow, Brown Treecreeper and a single Diamond Firetail. A first ever for me was the more widespread race of the Yellow-tufted Honeyeater and I got crap shots but included a couple because they are such a great looking bird.

Buff-rumped Thornbill

Golden Whistler (immature male due to brown wings). He was not worried about me.

Yellow-tufted Honeyeater, I have always wanted to see them!
There were miles of them down by Coimadai Creek.

The way back was a challenge because we chose to scramble up a steep rocky gully and I had to grab handholds with one hand and take care of the camera gear with the other!
Thanks for looking.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Your photos are fine and it's a lovely looking bird. Isn't it a great feeling when you see a new bird?

michaelrt71's picture

The golden whistler seems quite the poser, like most 'immature males' I know. Fine shots!

ScottTas's picture

I've never seen a Diamond Firetail or Yellow-tufted Honeyeaters - lucky you! Great photos, I've always wanted to see those honeyeaters as well, I think they're amazing. Thanks for sharing the photos,


Great shots Owen. Its a great spot isnt it? We had a great day when we went as well. Well worth the scramble back im sure. Yellow tufted is lovely what a beautiful looking bird.

Araminta's picture

Hi Owen, great photos! I love Golden Whistlers,thanks for pointing out the immature one. I will have to have a closer look at them now, as some of the ones I thought were females, might not be!? I will have to find out where "Happy Valley" is! M-L


Araminta's picture

Thanks again Owen, I just had a look at the list of birds at home in that area. A "must go there"!!!M-L


Owen1's picture

Thanks for the comments. The Honeyeater shots don't look any good full size but this size they look fine!
[q]The golden whistler seems quite the poser, like most 'immature males' I know.[/q]
Love it mrt!

Cheers, Owen.

timrob's picture

Great Pictures! thanks for sharing them.


ML it is well worth the drive. Shane and i had a geat day out that way. Just pack a picnic lunch and head off. If you do go make sure you stop off at Merrimu as well you are bound to see some diamond firetail finches,Yellow rumped thornbills as well there, we got some great shots. Enjoy

Araminta's picture

Thanks Owen and Cath and Shane, it will all be on our next outing, as soon as the weather is nice!! M-L


birdie's picture

Great shots Owen....wow that Yellow tufted is a real stunning bird I have never even heard of it so well done. You get to some good places and get a great variety that is for sure.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Woko's picture

That yellow-tufted honeyeater is a stunner, Owen. Not bad for a crap shot. If I remember rightly I saw a few in Gariwerd some years ago & was mightily impressed.

Qyn's picture

Nice variety again, Owen. The yellow-tufted honeyeater is stunning (as Woko said). It amazes me how at times quite colourful birds manage to blend in to the foliage. Thanks for sharing.

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