I love living where I do because with all the grasslands and river flats I can usually find a BOP or 2. I went out today despite bad weather and saw a lot, but all from a distance.
This is one of the black-shouldered kites I photographed recently
While I was looking at it an adult white-bellied sea eagle flew overhead
I went a bit further and saw a brown falcon
The baby whistling kite was not in the nest but I saw it in a tree by the river. Look at its lovely spots
On the way home I saw a nankeen kestrel
This is the ring-in. I don't know what this joyful little bird is
BOP on a grey day
Tue, 04/10/2011 - 06:59
BOP on a grey day
Here's an adult whistling kite to compare plumage - lighter and no spots
Yes, "I would like to live where You live"!!!Those BOP are stunning!I do like the little bird, I have no idea either, it'll be something like a "white-throated....?" Can't wait for someone to tell us. (Gerygone? Flycatcher? Probabely not?) Anyway, fantastic photos! M-L
Hi Birdgirl, your BOP photos are fantastic, I wish I could see as many as you do in one day. The other bird looks like a rufous whistler perhaps?
Great series. What a range to have near home, I am jealous! As for the Rufous whistler great timing. I only have crap ones of the females and no males!
Cheers, Owen.
BOP.... Magnificent creatures. what else can I say?
Great shots, love the whistler.
Wonderful shots - I bet many who live where you do miss out entirely on these magnificent birds.
"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."
Thanks for the help with the id - I don't know many of the little bush birds and it's always a thrill to find something new.
qyn55 - you are so right. I see them most times I drive around the area, but didn't know they were here until I started doing bird photography a few years ago