Eastern Rosella, probably my favourite bird, love their colours, call and antics. They always brighten my day.
Yellow-Faced HE. It was preening itself and I took 48 photos of it in the exact same spot, it didn't even turn around, these were the only pics that show its face. It's the longest I've ever seen one sit still.
We had 4 YTBC's land in our big gum tree, a pair (I'm assuming) and 2 young ones. The female fed one of the young while I was watching but I missed the shot :(
Gorgeous photos Triker, (taken with your new camera?) I love the shots of the Yellow-faced Honeyeater.The photos of the YTBCs are lovely, very sharp against the blue sky. M-L
Good shots. Those Yellow-faced HE's never sit still for more than a few seconds.
Cheers, Owen.
I would love to see a yellow face.... thanks
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Some of my favourite birds too. I would love to have YTBCs come into our yard. THey have once or twice
I took a video of 3 YTBC from my back verandah this morning, 2 adults and a juvenile. They has been feeding the youngster but by the time I got out there with the camera they had stopped. You can hear it making the begging noise. The video isn't much good, I'm just too shaky, I wouldn't watch it if you suffer from motion sickness. Also it's 131mb, something to bear in mind if you have a download limit.
Hi John,
They are great shots!
I always love the colours of the Eastern Rosella, and the YTBCs are just such impressive big birds, with their casual, slow flight. I love seeing them around.
Such a lovely part of the world down round Port Stephens.