For the last 2 days these two channel-billed cuckoos have come to my mulberry trees. I was sooooo excited. I was even more excited that the female eastern Koel was in the same tree at the same time, only she stayed at the bottom of the tree and didn't attempt to attack the cuckoos like she does to other birds! lol
Thanks, Elle. I love to see shots of birds with which I'm not familiar or with whom up with I'm not. Or something.
Good series. I've somehow never seen any of these...
Cheers, Owen.
I have never seen any of those birds either. Very interesting looking birds, thanks for showing then to us. M-L
No Problem. I rarely see the cuckoos. I've only seen them about 4 or 5 times. The times that I have seen them they were only flying over. That's why I was so excited :D
Come to the suburbs of north western Sydney if you want to see CBC's and Common Koels, heaps of them. Early hours of the morning are best to sight the CBC's flying from tree to tree. Common Koels are a little bit harder to see in flight.
If you are short of CBC's will glady send you a fleet of them, at 0230, 0345 and 0510 this morning the CBC's woke us up screaming in the tree tops!
magnificent birds that i have never seen. thanks for sharing:)
Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best
Well done Elle.....perfect shots of the infamous visitors LOL I would be excited to get a close up view like that too ! They are such a large and unusual bird aren't they???
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Yes, they are unusual birds. They can be noisy. Their call is not a very pleasant one, is it?! We don't often see them in the mountains but I don't think I would like to have them squawking at early hours of the morning. Not very pleasant for you Raven! I love birds but I don't love them enough to forgive them if they wake me up during the night! LOL
Elle, these are beautiful shots! The shots of the CBC are very clear. And I think female Koels are gorgeous.
Woko - your post made me laugh. Good work - never end a sentence with a preposition!
These are terrific photos. This weekend 3 flew over our house and one landed in our gum tree for a couple of minutes. The noisy miners were after them
Thanks Birdgirl and Andy. The CBC has been chased by the butcherbirds around here! ^_^
Hi Elle,
What beautiful capture of a channel billed cuckoo. I work for a not for profit environmental group - Environs Kimberley and we are currently doing a follow-up publication to about our scientific work on Kimberley rainforests and I am looking for a great picture of a chanel billed cuckoo to use. Would you be interested in providing us one of your pics. We can include acknowledgement of the use of your picture or can afford to pay a small fee. Could you email me?
Hi Louise, I'm not sure if you noticed the date on these posts, there were posted in October 2011, quite some time ago. You might want to ask your question in a new thread under a different topic, you might get some response. Just an idea.