WBSEs passing food

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Birdgirl2009's picture
WBSEs passing food

I went for a drive this morning before the clouds rolled in and saw some amazing feeding behaviour. I wasn't ready, so sorry about the poor exposure and sharpness - I've tried to correct it

The white-bellied sea eagle behind comes in to take the food
The white-bellied sea eagle in front lets go with one foot and lets the other foot swing back

I could see this white-bellied sea eagle looking at me

and so was this whistling kite

This black-shouldered kite flew past

I saw it drop from a power line to the ground to get something

Elle's picture

Great photos Birdgirl! I love WBSE's ^_^

Woko's picture

Talk about action!

Owen1's picture

Good shots and interesting behaviour in the eagles. Love it how you always come back with BOP shots.

Cheers, Owen.

Qyn's picture

Looks like a parent and juvenile White Bellied Sea Eagle. Maybe this is training for the juvie.

Well captured BOP Girl - I love these behaviour shots!

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

Birdgirl2009's picture

Thanks everyone.
Owen - they are really my favourites. Very little beats just standing and watching them
qyn55 - I was wondering that too. The front one does have more mature plumage although not quite full adult. Different references say it gets adult plumage at 3-4 or 4-5 years and it breeds at 6 years. So a breeding adult should not have white in the grey on the wings and the tail should have a dark grey base with a broad white tip. So maybe this is a first year bird stealing from a second year bird . Here is #3 after the meat has been taken

Qyn's picture

Yes, BOP girl, I remember reading something about maturity around that age too! I read on the sea eagle cam site that sometimes the immature eagles do help feed the new eaglets ... maybe their role extends even further. I bet they would be interested in your photos as much as we are!!

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

triker1's picture

Wonderful shots. I'm just a little bit jealous of your ability to take these amazing photos.


Araminta's picture

Yes Kim, I'm jealous too! I like the way you say, "I went for a drive ", and you come back with all those fantastic photos. Wish that would happen to me. Love all of them. M-L


jaytee's picture

I'm jealous too - amazing photos

Brisbane QLD

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