Cute factor

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michaelrt71's picture
Cute factor

'look mum, no wings!'

cuddly silver-eyes

yellow-throated scrubwren

variegated fairy wren

Araminta's picture

Hi mrt71, the one without wings has to be croosed with a frog, leaping like that? What a find!
I love the silver eyes.Never seen a yellow-throated scrubwren or a variegated fairy wren, just beautiful. Great photos, thanks. M-L


jaytee's picture

Had to laugh at the first one, the variegated fairy wren is beautiful, so colourful.

Brisbane QLD


Beautiful shots Mrt71. Just love the variegated fairy wren its lovely. The silver eyes look like they are about to bed down for a nap. Great shots.

Owen1's picture

Good work. Love the scrubbie.

Cheers, Owen.

michaelrt71's picture

Araminta, that first shot, while being funny, is a little frustrating because I keep finding that bird in the same tree, but can't quite get the shot to identify it. And now it seems I have confused it with a frog. Back to the drawing board.

Andy's picture

Very funny - "and now it seems I have confused it with a frog". Not sure if you were also joking about not having id'd it yet - might be a Grey Shrike-thrush?

I love the scrubwren shot!


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