From our Veranda

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greviousbh_2's picture
From our Veranda

Hi guys, we live on 50 acres (no cats or dogs to upset the native wildlife), backing onto 20,000 of state forest, in the Northern Rivers area of NSW. Plenty of birdlife around, I am not that au fait with species ID, nor am I that good a photographer but here are a couple from our veranda. These are just from sitting at our outdoor table having breakfast each morning.

There are a couple of birds I am struggling to identify, so I will pop over to the ID forum and ask for help eventually

Thanks and any constructive criticism of the photos is always welcome. (One day my goal is to take a decent one !)

Araminta's picture

Hi rufus, and welcome. Hope I can help you to identify some birds:
1= Red-browed Firetail
2=Scarlet Honeyeater (male)
3=King Parrot (male)
4=Superb Fairy-wren (male)
5=Red-backed Kingfisher (I think)

Sounds like a nice spot where you live. M-L


greviousbh_2's picture

AHhh soory, I know what the ones are. Though I did think the last one was a Sacred Kingfisher ?

I meant to say there are other ones which I don't know the ID of, and I will head over to the ID forum and post those pics there and ask for help.

Meave's picture

Oh rufus, what a great way to have breakfast!! What good photos too, thanks for sharing them with us! I envy you your garden, and your friendly birds.


Owen1's picture

Great selection of shots. The kingfisher is a Sacred, Red-backed aren't as blue and do have an orange rump with more stripy dark blue and white on the head.
Love the Scarlet Honeyeater, still yet to see one.

Cheers, Owen.

---'s picture

the whole time i was just like :O

dammit,i wish i could see those birds from my backyard! :p

nice pics,especially the King Parrot

greviousbh_2's picture

Owen, the Scarlet Honeyeater is quite common on our property, especially in the front yard. There were 2 males this morning on the Banksia, then they chased each other to the Calestimon

Nathan, that's just the front yard, back yard latter :)

and we have plenty of other birds, like these Satin Bowerbirds


and male

Eastern Spinebills by the dozen

I am enjoying browsing the photo's of the menagerie of birds posted by you guys and am looking at how to better my bird photography by looking at what others do and hoping for a constructive critique of mine.

Thanks for looking

---'s picture

hope you dont mind me resizing your picture

---'s picture

maybe that was slightly a bit small

birdie's picture

Wow you have some nice colourful visitors there rufus. When you are posting photos try resizing them to 500 on the longest size as that works best on this software. Lovely shots of the bowerbirds too :')

Sunshine Coast Queensland

---'s picture

well damn u resize2mail,it worked the first time

Elle's picture

A FANTASTIC collection here! I love the male bowerbird shot ^_^

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