Peregrine Falcon

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ScottTas's picture
Peregrine Falcon

Well, these certainly don't belong in the 'best' photo category! But... I was excited to see this Peregrine Falcon swooping down past my balcony today, to the alarm of ALL birds in the suburb! By the time I got binoculars and camera he was MILES away sadly. But here's a token effort to share some photos...

I'll try to be faster next time! Cheers,

---'s picture

a bit distant,but clearly a peregrine falcon
i've been seeing a falcon around my area - at first i thought it was a Peregrine,but now i realize i only thought that because it had a ring around its neck,any ideas what it could be?

Birdgirl2009's picture

I'd be thrilled to see one
NathanY - the Australian hobby/littke falcon has similar markings to the peregrine

---'s picture

@ Birdgirl
the Australian hobby does seen to be the only one that matches,but i'm still not 100% sure...

Windhover's picture

The AH/Little Falcon is much thinner than this bird. This is definitely a PF. Also the PF have a yellow cere, legs and are more grey/black as adults with a really large black hood. AH are browner lighter looking in appearance. The PF is said to be barrel bodied! With a bit of experience and sightings of both species, the features of both species are easy enough to distinguish.

I have photos of both species here

Windhover's picture

Just wanted to add that the Little Falcon (hobby) has really narrow wings compared to the Peregrine. :-)

Birdgirl2009's picture

hi windhover - I was talking to NathanY about a bird he saw - I made that suggestion because he described it as similar to a peregrine. We weren't talking about the bird in ScottTas's photos on this thread

---'s picture

@ Birdgirl - windhover was talking to me about the wings, a tip so i wouldn't confuse a hobby with a peregrine

---'s picture

also,thanks for the photos windhover - they helped heaps

Windhover's picture

Nathan understood what I was talking about. :-)

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