Grey flycatcher

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michaelrt71's picture
Grey flycatcher

This guy sat still, sort of, and posed for a second.[/img]
'Right! Now you can leave me alone! You and your camera!'

---'s picture

erm,isnt that a grey fantail,or a fantail of some kind?

michaelrt71's picture

erm, yeah. That's the one. A grey fantail, who was catching flies!

---'s picture

oh, and here's the other picture

michaelrt71's picture

Why thank you, NathanY.

Araminta's picture

What happened to the fly? Doesn't the fly catching grey fantail have the sexiest eyes you have ever seen? You could have put the last one under my brown (?) fantail,to show the different colour shades, it doesn't look as black as some, nor does it look as brown as some. (if that makes sense?)M-L


michaelrt71's picture

M-L, the fly fantailled it out of there quicksmart. Maybe I have discovered the rare charcoal fancatcher.

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