Hi, I've just found a Magpie hatchling and am not sure what to do next. I've placed it somewhere quiet and warm. Does this little guy need help breaking out of the egg? The egg is already open and he's breathing, sleeping OK. Also, what and when do I feed it? Cheers,
Magpie hatchling found
Sun, 17/10/2010 - 04:04

Magpie hatchling found
The best thing would be to return the hatchling to the nest. The degree of care needed and expertise is such, that sadly the little bird may not survive unless it is cared for by the parents or a person with successful experience.
If the only options for the bird are your care or death, then certainly try to save it.
You will need a glass eye dropper - not plastic and brand new. That would be the feeding implement.
Feed it honey with a drop of water to make it more liquid. A drop at a time at the end of the beak.
It should be able to break out of the egg. It needs to at least pass that test of life. However, if it is in need, help it.
Slowly and carefully is the best way to help a bird.
Hopefully someone with hands on magpie experience can advise. I have only fed adult magpies by hand.
Thanks for the advice. I have raised finches by hand, but they were fledgelings, and this is really young. It survived the night and seems more active today, but is not trying to break out of the egg. I'll try the feeding as you suggested. I do have some finch rearing food, but I expect this little needs a different diet. What else should I feed it?
Cheers and thanks.
I can only relate to miner birds - honey diluted with a drop of water, administered with a new glass eye dropper - new so there isn't any residual medicine in the eye dropper, eg eye drops.
Try that until the bird is able to move to solids.
I would think, help it with the shell but be extremely careful and extremely slow about it.
Think how best to do it, then imagine doing it, and then apply such in practice.
All the best!
Sadly, this little one didn't make it.
Hi jennikay, I am sorry for your loss. At least it died being cared for and that is something. I lost a noisy miner earlier this year, Oskar, but the other week I saved another Noisy Miner B#. Who I hear in the distance as I type!!!
So perhaps take this time to prepare for the next chick that needs your help and care. I did that after Oskar died and was ready and successful with B#.
You are a good person for caring enough to help!
My avatar is B# (be sharp), a Noisy Miner I rescued and released. :)
PS I should add, I am "MynaBirds" with a new username. :)
My avatar is B# (be sharp), a Noisy Miner I rescued and released. :)
Thank you for your kind words. I do sitll have another little Magpie I am caring for. This one fell out of it's nest, leaving two others behind. We didn't put this one back into the nest because the tree hangs over a very busy road. Sure enough, the other two have been killed on the road. My little one is coming along well, eating heaps, sitting outside in his own little aviary by day and inside at night. We have six other Magpie rescue birds with bad wings, or feet and cannot be released back into the wild. They all have wonderful personalities. Again, thanks for your help.
Almost enough for a football team! ;)
Keep up the good work!
My avatar is B# (be sharp), a Noisy Miner I rescued and released. :)