Hi there,
Ever morning at about 5am there is this bird that comes and makes it's call. It is a staccarto call of about 8 notes. It calls for about hour to other birds of it's kind.
I have always loved birds and animals in general but this one makes me so mad! It sounds like an alarm clock and wakes me up every morning for an hour. I am a shift worker and when you come home at 4am in the morning from work it is very frustrating.
I dont want to hurt the bird, but maybe try to change it's positioning. It may be a mating call, as it seems to only happen at this time of year for about 4-5 months. I have tried aiming the hose at it but it just sits right at the top of our jacaranda in the front yard out the front of the main bedroom.
Please help!!!!!!
Hi Skwarker
I'm not going to be much help for you in this advice - unless it is to learn to love the bird.
It is probably a Cuckoo. If you are in NSW or Qld, it is probably a Koel. Very loud calls, early in the morning are their trademark. Koels hold territory, but do not build nests, but parasitise the nests of other birds. So you cannot even find its nest and chase it away (which I would not approve of anyway) - for it does not build its own nest.
Have a look at the BiBY Page for the Koel here:
Males and females look totally different.
Try to learn to love your Koel is my suggestion. Squirting it with a hose probably won't work anyway.
Denis Wilson
Ear plugs! You can get excellent ones from the chemist that are comfortable to sleep in.
If you do manage to remove the bird (which I wouldn't support) another would come and take up the territory.
I live in WA so would it still be a Koel? Either way.. I think you are right about the ear plugs... I have tried them before and can still hear the bird through them but better than any other option. I wear ear plugs at work too so my ears will be perminantly blocked. lol
To Skwarker,
Ever heard of closing your window tightly eiven try to lock it so it can sort of block the sound. DenisWilson is right it could be a Koel. Try out my suggestion and tell me how it goes.
From Melody
Yes my windows are perminantly closed, as my windows face the street/driveway. I dont even open the 100% block out curtains in this room ever! Since my house is a rental i cant do anything to the windows.