Another forum issue

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soakes's picture
Another forum issue

In some forums like this, people can add their "location" or something similar and it appears (with their name) alongside the posts they have made. It would be good if something like this could be enabled on this forum.

- soakes

Jennywren's picture

Definately shouldnt be too hard to organise I would think. Its a good idea! hint hint

Andy's picture

Alternatively, people could just edit their username to say, for example, "Andy, Brisbane". It would be good if locations were displayed, because I think people often forget where others are located.

soakes's picture

Good idea... only I went to edit my username and found that I can't!

- soakes, Gippsland.

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

Holly's picture

Greetings all,

I will pass the request on to the IT people however I am not sure whether the function is compatible with the software that the forum uses.
Will let you know though.


 and   @birdsinbackyards
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