Indian Mynas

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rainbowkookaburra's picture
Indian Mynas

today i heard some chattering in the backyard, when i looked out the window, there was about 15 Indian mynas all gathered around in a circle, i'm not sure what they were carrying on about, can anyone help?


Only guessing mate but there could have been something there they don't snake etc.

rainbowkookaburra's picture

i don't think so, they were in an open space, there's no snakes around were i live.

VernJ's picture

They are a very social bird and, from what I have read, have a very cohesive clan structure. This I guess is why they have been such succesfull invaders. Not many birds will compete with Rainbow Lorries for nesting space.

I suspect you were witnessing some sort of clan thing, like Bell Miners and Noisy Miners often have a big get-together.

Interesting bird, but still a big shame to see them on the wrong continent ...


deva's picture

I have seen Indian Mynahs having very nasty punch-ups occasionally. The 1st time I saw this 2 or 3 were attacking another one (territory perhaps) and I thought they were going to kill it. Not nice to watch even if they are Indian Mynahs.

rainbowkookaburra's picture

i saw a Indian myna eat a very small light blue egg once anyone know what bird it is?

deva's picture

Sorry, I can't help you on eggs. The small aqua coloured one I found in my back yard a few weeks ago was fairly confidently ID'd as an Indian Mynah egg

magpie's picture

I often see myna's attacking each other. On several occasions I've seen a gang pin one down and when I go to check if its hurt (as it often lays there not moving), it flies off.
Despite their status as a 'pest' they are actually quite interesting birds.

Did you know that Indian Myna's are the best talkers out of all birds, including parrots? Check out Youtube for some videos of talking tame myna's.

My avian vet (highly experienced) notes they are better than parrots as far as talking goes - when trained of course.

VernJ's picture

Hi! rainbowkookaburra. The egg or egg shell may have been from it's own nest. Some birds apparently drop their spent shells well away from under the nest, so as to not attract Monitor lizards and snakes. On our golf course I have seen a nesting Pied Butcherbird fly some 30 meters to another tree with eggshell, and quite deliberately drop it to the ground.


peacock's picture

yes magpie... they keep on fighting n wen i go to see it, it flies away... n they r often very noicy, i dnt knw y? i see them evrytime near my house. they are always seen in groups making noises.. may be they knw that , unity is the best strength ,, ha ha..m


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