Poor Baby

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Poor Baby

I'm really upset about this - i was in the kitchen this morning when i heard this weird noise - sort of sounded like a baby magpie going off - no it was a baby lorikeet being chased and attacked by a cat - the poor baby was just as scared of me as it was the cat so i let it be and made sure the cat had gone when i turned back the lorikeet had gone too. There are feathers in 3 different spots so he had a good go. I checked everywhere for the baby but couldn't find it. Later i saw it out the kitchen window sitting on the fence so i went out there to see if it was okay. I didn't like that but did eventually fly across the street into a tree where hopefully it will be safer. I will keep an eye out in case it needs to go to the vet but hopefully it's just in shock. I can still hear it screaming now :( Poor baby

birdie's picture

Oh that is too sad. Bloody cats! Even though I own one, she wouldn't want to try it on with my birds or she'll be flying like a bird herself!!
Are you sure there is no way to get a closer look at it? If it is still screeching? Are you sure it was a baby? Sometimes the adults with feather and beak can look like young ones and that may be why the cat was able to get it.



Sunshine Coast Queensland


I find an easy way to tell is to check if the bird has a red eye or not, if it doesn't, it's a jvenile. Was it a fully feathered lorikeet Myky50? Plus I've always found that if you look at a bird you can kind of just tell if its a juvenile or not.


pretty sure it's a baby it doesn't have the black beak but as Amateur said you can just tell. when i say i can still hear it screaming i meant in my head - sorry - As far as i can tell there was nothing wrong with it. I don't know why the cat got it but being a baby probably didn't help as it didn't know what to do. i can't get close to it at the moment cause it still can fly. enclosing a couple of pics - there appears to be feathers missing on the back of his neck and the front not the best either
yesterday i had 2 cats and a sparrowhawk that i know of. the sparrowhawk i can live (don't like it but understand it) - cats never - if i hadn't been home that poor bird would be dead - not eaten just killed for the sake of it - i wish people would keep their cats in their own bloody yard

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