Birds in Backyards Upgrade

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Holly's picture
Birds in Backyards Upgrade

Check out the Announcements section for details of some changes to BIBY in 2011!

Windhover's picture

Thanks for all your hard work Holly! It is a great idea to upgrade the forum software as it is quite ancient in its current form. :) Can't wait to see it! March 24 sounds like the best day for the launch as it's also my birthday! LOL!!

Holly's picture

You all have been so wonderfully patient. I promise it will be worth the wait :)


btw - we will be putting in a request for photos soon too - we want you guys to be integrated into the whole website

birdie's picture

Woohoo..... go Holly!!!! That will be wonderful. I am afraid out poor birds up here are absolutely waterlogged!!! I have seen some sorry states over the last few days and they look really fed up and sometimes quite disorientated with it all :'(

Thanks for all your efforts



Sunshine Coast Queensland

Araminta's picture

Hi Holly,does that mean, even I would be able to understand how to use it, and post things? Hope it won't be more complicated! Anyway, thanks for such a excellent site! Hi Birdie, the rain has reached us now. I just saw some very wet birds huddled together on top of my fridge (outside), a Rosella next to a Bronzewing,and a King Parrot.Looked very funny!


Holly's picture

No the forum will be much easier to use Aramita - I promise!

narly's picture

Hi Holly , great news . Will it be a phpBB based forum .


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