Do magpies migrate

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peterseaford's picture
Do magpies migrate

Good day everybody.

We have had the delight of feeding three magpies in our yard for some months.

There were many around and about but only three chose our back door.

They have not appeared for some time so we are wondering if they migrate.

Around our area a few magpies are to be seen but not as visible as before.

Would value your knowledge in this area.

Our home is seafood some 40k se of Melbourne and it is getting cooler



sparrow's picture

Hi, i lived in frankston for many years ,magpies usually stick to there territory and form small family groops to defend aganst intruders they can become quite tame we had one pair that turned up every year with there new offspring the male would take food from your hand, and then they would just leave for no apparent reason we would see them in the park (the male had been mauled by something and was easy to spot)then they would be there one morning tapping on the back window looking for a hand out!
(this could be confusing because we had ravens tapping on the front window for the same reason).

Raven's picture

We have had the same pair nesting in the same gum tree here for around 10 years now, they raised four little ones last year, a commendable effort. So they do not appear to migrate, my Grandmother used to feed a pair for nearly 13 years before they died of old age or obesity from Grans constant "treats". Raven (Sydney NSW)

Araminta's picture

Well, where I live, (near Gembrook,east of Melbourne),the Magpies used to turn up in late autumn. Shortly after they started to sing, we knew, the weather would turn and it would soon be colder. But this year, they turned up a lot earlier,and there were juveniles, so they must have been breading close by? They were also in much greater numbers than ever before. Some of then have left, but some are still hanging around.Eventually they leave early winter. Where they go, no idea! I would like to know as well!!


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