I am very interested to know what everyone thinks about the Night Parrot and whether it is still in existance.
I think that they might still be out there because the only reason they found one dead in 1990 is because Dick Smith offered $25,000 reward for anyone who could prove its existance and the one found in 2006 was only discovered because 2 blokes got out of their car for a toilet break and found the bird and thought it was very strange so they handed it in.
The Australian Outback is very vast and humans are few and far between so it isn't as if people have much chance of finding these parrots if there are some out there in those extremely remote areas.
Night Parrot - dead or alive???
Sat, 06/08/2011 - 08:04

Night Parrot - dead or alive???
I think that they may still be around, people often forget how big Australia & its outback really is. Apparently the 2006 bird was a juvenile, so if thats the case they must be out there breeding. Perhaps not as prolific as some birds eg budgies, but out there. Not only that their a nocturnal bird aswell, so that in itself is a difficult thing for us. because we dont see very well in the dark. haha.... id love to think that they are still around, breeding & making us birders look abit silly. haha.
if your happy when your birding, flap your wings.
[q].... because we dont see very well in the dark. haha.... id love to think that they are still around, breeding & making us birders look abit silly. haha.[/q]
Nicely put - I could not agree more.
"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."
I forgot to mention the '06 bird was a juvenile so thanks for bringing that up mrtattoo. Their lifestyle is the reason no-one finds them because firstly they are living in the areas uninhabited by humans and secondly they are nocturnal so finding them is no mean feat.
Cheers, Owen.
This sounds a little twisted but I think it can sometimes be a good thing to find road kills of animals. It suggests that the species is still surviving even if a few individuals are killed.
The reverse side of this view are rabbits & foxes where it's a bad thing to find road kills.
That isn't at all twisted because as you said it shows that they are still surviving and it lets us know that they are still out there... somewhere.
Cheers, Owen.
I promise, I will get photos of Night Parrots one day! I just have to find the time.
Forget that! As [link=http://bird-o.com/2011/01/01/night-parrots-the-most-enigmatic-of-birds/]... article
[/link] suggests, record it instead!
- soakes
Olinda, Victoria, Australia
Thanks for the article Soakes. It was an interesting read.
Akos you'll have lots of trouble even finding one let alone taking photos of it!
Cheers, Owen.
I am kidding mate. I am not really interested to be honest. I like owls and raptors. They get me far more excited than a bird that takes way too much time and effort, which I sadly don't really have. I struggle to find owling time as is. :-(
The only owl I have seen is a Barn Owl at our old place at Glenorie in Sydney and I can hardly even remember them because I was so young.
Cheers, Owen.