?Juvenile Diamond Firetail

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GangGang's picture
?Juvenile Diamond Firetail

I recently took this photo in my garden at Halls Gap Vic. Is this a juvenile Diamond Firetail. Sorry about the quality of photo he was a bit skittish and didn't hang around long to be photographed. New to this site so hope it works. Thanks.

ed's picture

difficult with this picture but maybe a juv red browed, lack of breast band seems to point to this.

Ed Townsville NQ

GangGang's picture
GangGang's picture

Oops! Try again.

GangGang's picture

Oh I give up, it's too hard!

GangGang's picture

Thanks Ed,
I did look at the other pictures I have and you're right. I also did have red browed firetails nesting in a small tree last year, so it all fits.
Thanks again.

GangGang's picture

Thanks to you both! I knew what you were talking about Denis and certainly didn't think you were cranky with me. I don't know how Gelmir did it but I do appreciate it. I wish there was a way of previewing the message before posting, would save a lot of unnecessary postings. I would tend to practice more too. Rather than put wasted messages up, that don't work.
So getting back to the little red browed. He is quite young is he? It was a very hot day that the photo was taken. He seemed to be very hot and sat for a while with his beak open before coming down to drink. I noticed that the corner of his beak seemed to be that of a young bird, I don't know the name for this. But otherwise he was on his own and apeared quite independant.

ed's picture

Hi GangGang

Practice anyway, I'm sure if 'they' see many people having difficulty posting pictures 'they' may try to make it easier.

This is one of you links that work from the email but show up as a red x above, lets see if will work as a link...


Ed Townsville NQ

ed's picture

well, it works as a link to photobucket, but not to your picture!!

Ed Townsville NQ

ed's picture

OK. lets try the direct link taken from photobucket.

Ed Townsville NQ

ed's picture

That gives us the picture

Ed Townsville NQ

ed's picture

this is the html code posted as a link..?


Ed Townsville NQ

ed's picture

no thats not right, lets try as code
<a href="http://s287.photobucket.com/albums/ll144/Bluesuzi123/?action=view&current=DSCF2226.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll144/Bluesuzi123/DSCF2226.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Ed Townsville NQ

ed's picture

Thats is not right either. I suggest an account on Flickr and download the medium size picture. Seems to work for me.

Ed Townsville NQ

GangGang's picture

Hi Ed,
The direct link worked, but the the html didn't. How do you get to it from the code? Do you have to type it in, or copy and paste it? So many people seem to be able to put their photos straight on and make it look so easy. I will keep trying though. I have some more nice photos of Pardalotes, white naped honey eaters, Gang Gangs etc, like the female in my Gravatar.

GangGang's picture

Hi Ed,
I will try Flickr and see how I go.
Thanks heaps

GangGang's picture

This isn't a red browed firetail of course but we'll see if it works.

GangGang's picture


GangGang's picture

GangGang's picture

Woo Hoo! Hooray! Now how to make it smaller like everyone else.

GangGang's picture

Changed the size on Flickr.com hopefully this works, he doesn't look right without a head

GangGang's picture

Yeah!!! Thanks Ed, will stick with Flickr.com thankyou to everyone else.

Holly's picture

Hi guys,

Sorry you are having problems with uploading photos. I will talk to the IT people and see if there is a way of making it easier but I am not sure whether the version of the forum we are using will allow us to do that.


poephila's picture

Hi GangGang,

Hope this helps. A juvenile diamond firetail being fed by both parents. Note the black beak, yellow gape (corners of mouth) and greyish diamonds forming on the flanks. Compare this to your bird.

Greetings from the northern Southern Tablelands of NSW

poephila's picture

Hi GangGang,

Hope this helps. A juvenile diamond firetail being fed by both parents. Note the black beak, yellow gape (corners of mouth) and greyish diamonds forming on the flanks. Compare this to your bird.

Greetings from the northern Southern Tablelands of NSW

poephila's picture

Hi GangGang,

Attached is a photo of a young diamond firetail being fed by both parents. Note the black beak, yellow gape (area around the mouth) and greyish diamonds forming on the flanks.

Greetings from the northern Southern Tablelands of NSW

poephila's picture

Sorry, one last time I hope. Everything kept working well from my end but no photos. Still obeying the rules (I think).

Greetings from the northern Southern Tablelands of NSW

poephila's picture


Greetings from the northern Southern Tablelands of NSW

GangGang's picture

Hi Everyone,

Thankyou Denis, this website is great for learning. Sharing knowledge with people is always a great way to learn and more fun than looking it up in a book.
Holly, I think it's just a learning process that most people seem to have to go through. Although like I said if there was a way of previewing the message before it was sent it would be good.
That is a fantastic photo of the Diamond Firetails Poephila. When you look at the babies I can see the similarities. But when you look at them next to each other it is quite obvious how different they are. Soo cute though. As I said the red browed were nesting outside my window in a small tree. This is only a holiday house, so I watched them build it, then nesting but was not there to see the babies.


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