Can anyone help us out?
We have a nocturnal bird which sounds like it has a whistle snore living across the road. I haven't heard it for a while now, and someone suggested it was a koel but listening to the call on the website, I know it is not that.
Any suggestions?
Koels have pretty much left for the year now.
And they aren't nocturnal though they are known to call out at 3am.
It must be a tawny frogmouth, they make some strange noises and are really the only nocturnal birds here besides owls.
If 3AM isn't nocturnal I'd like to know what is.What about a barn owl or masked owl, they make some pretty wierd noises.
As far as I know the koel isn't considered a nocturnal bird, ie one that is active during the night.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
maybe a possum?
Ed Townsville NQ
Hi! Charlie 1. I had a listen to my Simpson and Day's Birdsong CD this morning. The Lesser Sooty Owl sounds like a snoring whistle. It is a long even downward pitch, “like a falling bomb”. But my info says a Nth Qld. rainforest bird. If that's your patch, bingo.
The Sooty Owl has a downward pitching call also, deeper tone but with a bit of a staccato or saw-tooth sound ... like a bit of post nasal drip in the back of the throat. It has the wider range.
Both are in the genus “tyto”.
I can’t find either bird on this site. Nor could I find a sound bite for you sorry.
Keep digging, good luck.
Thanks for the suggestions, I will look up our local list and see if these birds live locally on the south coast of NSW (Shoalhaven Heads).
VJ - is the Simpson and Day CD readily available? I assume in ABC shops?
The Koel's have definitely left our area as I have not heard one for a week or so.
I will keep searching.
Hi Charlie 1. I think it may have been from ABC Shop. But anyway do a google on Birds of Australia 5.0 and heaps of references appear. It a great resource ...
hi charlie 1 , It may be a nightjar
Hello again Charlie1. I found a sound byte for the Sooty Owl.
You said a "wistle snore: in your initial post ... try this site and click on the sound:
else copy this http ://
Thanks for all your suggestions, it could very well be a Sooty Owl, we hear the scream / snore but not the remainder of the call. I will pay more attention the next time I hear it and go for a walk and investigate.
Thanks VJ