I have (I think!) identified the song of the Golden Whistler around here as a:
pee pee pee tu wit (exactly as the BIBY recording)
and I was wondering if anyone knows if it is also responsible for a call that goes:
pee pee pee cheeew (with the last note rapidly descending)
The pee pee pee is very much the same so I am guessing it might be the same bird, but I havent heard the second call in the Golden Whistler calls online etc.
Hi Zoidberg
Call descriptions in words is very difficult.
I give you this example, from Birdpedia, for the Golden Whistler:
Persistent, loud, ringing, whistled call. A loud, rapid sequence rising in volume, 'whit-whit-whit-whiet-whiet-wheet-quwhite'. Also a repetitive shorter version, 'whit-whit-whew-whit' or 'chwit-chwit-chew-wit'. A single, rising, 'tseeip' uttered in contact.
The last bit is the most useful comment.
They certainly do have that single, rising contact call - so perhaps what you have described is an answering call from a female nearby, which you had perhaps not seen.
Golden Whistlers are very vocal at present at my place, in the NSW Southern Highlands - presumably a seasonal thing.
Denis Wilson
I know! I don't normally bother with the written descriptions as they never seem to make sense to me, I just go by recordings.
I would never just post a description and have any hope anyone would know it..
I thought for anyone who is already familiar with the GW call they would have a chance of knowing what I am talking about.
I was listening to another recording of Golden Whistler and I am almost certain I heard the pee pee pee cheeew call in there, so I think it is the same bird.
Thanks for your comments.
Hi Zoidberg
I was not saying you ought not try to transliterate the sounds. Your example worked well enough for me.
I showed the example from Birdpedia simply to show their attempt at the rising call - which certainly does exist.
I have only heard it as a single call, whereas you described it as the end of a lomnger series of notes.
With some common, widespread species, eg, Pied Currawong, or Magpie-lark (Mudlark, or Peewee), there are significant regional differences. Pied Currawongs from southern Queensland sound significantly different from Canberra and they are different again from Victorian birds.
Experienced birders would always recognise them as the same bird, but...
Denis Wilson
HI Denis and Zoidberg
Interesting trying to identify from calls isn't it? I find when ever I am outside a little part of my mind is segmented and logging any calls that I am hearing. I am sure others think I am rude at times when i suddenly interrupt and say "oh...listen there's a such and such bird!!"
I was interested in your comments about the Pied Currawongs Denis. When I first started reading this forum I asked if anyone knew a certain sound, very beautiful and mournful two note call one low and one high long note. At the time I had no luck, but now, a year later, I know it to be one of the many varied Pied Currawong calls. In the evening before they roost I can hear a myriad of different calls as they sing to eachother from one end of the neighbourhood to another.
Sunshine Coast Queensland