got these two in the tyto wetlands i did think welcome swallows but the white on the face has proved me wrong, looked on site under swallows no luck so hoping someone can help me
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Perhaps juvenile welcome swallows? I think maybe the white gape indicates that they're juveniles.
Nice birds, aren't they? I love watching their acrobatic antics. They swoop so quickly. I often go out on the balcony at work and they swoop around my head.
I can confirm that comment by Andy.
Yellow gape is soft tissue around the beak which helps adult birds find their mark when feeding chicks in nest (often dark).
It actually is a temporary enlargement of the beak width. It fades quickly once the chicks fledge.
Common to many (most) perching birds.
Denis Wilson
well i was on the right track then thankyou
I saw some today at the Hunter Wetlands Centre and knew exactly what they were, thanks to this post.
Thank you for informing me. :)