Is this a Koel or a drongo?

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birdie's picture
Is this a Koel or a drongo?

This bird was in the area where I have heard a Koel calling every day. I even thought that the figbird I saw might have a Koel chic just meters from there, though I was thinking it might be a bit early for that.

He didn't appear to have the long tail that either species have, and I didn't see the trademark fish tail, but it had a red eye.

Any ideas?


It's a drongo I think on the basis of the shorter tail and blacker bill colour.

birdie's picture

Hmmmm... I have photographed heaps of them and have never seen a body shape like that without the noticeable tail though.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

QLDBird's picture

I'll second that one birdie. That on is a Drongo.

Andy's picture

I would say Drongo. I think Koels have a pale beak.

birdie's picture

Yeah, I think it is a drongo, but I don't know what he did with his tail, cos it wasn't there that is for sure.
A Koel would have been much bigger than that, and there are heaps of drongos flitting about that area just now.
I have heard the koel calling but it stays well hidden at the moment.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

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