Well in that case then it was as confused as me .... no wonder we were chasing eachother around the trees.... it was in with some tiny little birds..I think they were thornbirds.... at least I couldn't confuse it with them
Hi birdie and Akos,- it could well be a--speckled-grey,whistling rufous Whipbird - Thrush? But if you would ask the bird, what it would like to be, it would tell you, a Rufous Whistler!? LOL,take it as a joke, you lot!LOL
Of course I should have thought of a Speckled Warbler. I think if you play the call of the Hokkaido Scrubwren the two will have a great Crimson or Yellow Chat with each other.
Oh My Lord......I will definitely just sit back and laugh now.
lets see if you can work it out if I call it a rufiventris ;)
Central Victoria
That is what I was thinking Al..... Rufous Whistler ... but I didn't hear any whipbirds responding so I thought I must have got it wrong
Had to google that as I didn't know the first part of the family name ....duh. I have a lot to learn before I can call myself a birder he he .
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I am sure it's an Eastern Whistler or a Rufous Whipbird mimicking a Grey-shrike Thrush.
Well in that case then it was as confused as me .... no wonder we were chasing eachother around the trees.... it was in with some tiny little birds..I think they were thornbirds.... at least I couldn't confuse it with them
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Looks more like a speckled warbler to me - what call was it making? - post an mp3 for us.
Hi birdie and Akos,- it could well be a--speckled-grey,whistling rufous Whipbird - Thrush? But if you would ask the bird, what it would like to be, it would tell you, a Rufous Whistler!? LOL,take it as a joke, you lot!LOL
Of course I should have thought of a Speckled Warbler. I think if you play the call of the Hokkaido Scrubwren the two will have a great Crimson or Yellow Chat with each other.
Oh My Lord......I will definitely just sit back and laugh now.