Owl in my backyard, help to id.

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missmercy's picture
Owl in my backyard, help to id.


Heard the birds going crazy in my silver birch when I was hanging out the washing at my North Carlton home and when I looked up into the tree, there was an owl sitting there so I fired off some shots. Can someone please confirm what sort of owl this is?

Hope I've posted this correctly, haven't done it in a while:)

missmercy's picture
Windhover's picture

Your owl is an absolutely gorgeous Southern Boobook (Ninox boobook aka Ninox Ninox novaeseelandiae)

missmercy's picture

Wow, thanks, I feel truly blessed today that it came to visit!

birdie's picture

ooh wow missmercy...... how lucky are you !!!!! I am very jealous...when I hang out the washing all I get are noisy miners!!!
Well done!

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Windhover's picture

At times, especially now I get Square-tailed Kites passing through while hanging the washing out, or just in general. :) POKE TONGUE AT BIRDIE!!!! :)

birdie's picture

Hah...... I have two words for you Akos.... GREEN CATBIRD

:') And I have had a white Goshawk visit me once!

Sunshine Coast Queensland

missmercy's picture

Here's another shot (took 6) that I managed to snap off before it flew away:


First time I've ever seen one and it lands in my own backyard. So excited!

Owen1's picture

how lucky to see a boobook. i live near the yarra river and i have never seen one. they are facinating owls aren't they.

Cheers, Owen.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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