Hey Rod I fixed this one for you by just closing the brackets on either side of the hyperlink - but the file itself is really small hence the small photo.
Could you please e-mail me the full size image from your camera? I guess it would be around 4-6 megabytes? Please? It's very difficult to tell from this little speck (sorry)
My best guess may be a Common Starling (immature or non-breeding). But it's a less than educated guess.....
(img)http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2466/5834492065_ebca8ce362_s.jpg (img)
[img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2466/5834492065_ebca8ce362_s.jpg [img]
Can't download photo
Hey Rod I fixed this one for you by just closing the brackets on either side of the hyperlink - but the file itself is really small hence the small photo.
You need to put the hyperlink between the tags that have an open and close bracket like this.
the ....... is the hyperlink to your image directly. Make the image NO BIGGER than 500 pixels wide as the system will not display properly if bigger.
I mean
I'll try again
ok that didn't work but still trying
[img]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2466/5834492065_ebca8ce362.jpg [/img]
Finally worked it out
thank you Windhover
Now that I've worked it out with help, can anybody identify this bird for us, it's driving my wife crazy
Could you please e-mail me the full size image from your camera? I guess it would be around 4-6 megabytes? Please? It's very difficult to tell from this little speck (sorry)
My best guess may be a Common Starling (immature or non-breeding). But it's a less than educated guess.....
akos@amatteroflight.com is my email.