Another BOP

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Another BOP

Don't hate me! I saw this BOP flying high at the Hunter Wetlands Centre. By the wing shape, tail shape, lighter head and marking around the eyes, I'd guess an Australian hobby. Sorry it's far away again and well cropped. If I could get closer, I would!

Windhover's picture

Hi Kim
I think you are right, it appears to be a Little Falcon, aka Hobby. Do you think Little Falcon sounds nicer than hobby? I do think so. Hobby is what I do in my free time. LOL!!!

Birdgirl2009's picture

I agree. It makes it sound cute and tells the group it belongs too. It's markings are very similar to the peregrine falcon.
I've had a windfall lately. I found a chick in a whistling kite nest and I've seen black-shouldered kites and nankeen kestrels this week
btw I know you have a hobby! I'd like to see a few more of your BOP photos

Windhover's picture

One thing I note with Little Falcon is that they are always more brown, and Peregrines are more grey. Also Peregrines seem to have wider wings and a real barrel-shaped body.

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