ruddy turnstone

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mtck's picture
ruddy turnstone

Hello members,

Is it possible for a ruddy turnstone in breeding plumage to be at a wetland in the upper Kiewa Valley (near Mt. Beauty)?

I'm pretty sure of the ID but my reference book suggests a coastal habitat - not fresh water inland.

Windhover's picture

Anything's possible. A year ago I had a Pacific Golden Plover at Penrith Lakes, NSW, about 60km in from the sea.

Woko's picture

This is where careful observation & description is so valuable, mtck. Do you have a description? Bird guides usually have a section at the beginning on making accurate descriptions of birds so that identification can be as reliable as possible. Such identifications can be valuable in overall conservation efforts as they can establish movements, population trends & habitat quality. There are probably other good reasons which I can't think of at present.

mtck's picture

Thank you Windhover and Woko.
I use Birds of Australia by Simpson and Day as a reference book. I find their drawings very accurate and the maps attached useful. However it was printed in 1984 so the maps may not be as accurate as they were back then.
My husband was with me and also watched the bird so we are pretty sure of our identification.
Hopefully l can get a photo when l go back next week - that is unless "Murphy's" been visiting!

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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