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Hi to everyone. I've been enjoying BIB for about a month or so now and have posted the odd comment especially in the IDs. I dont profess to be an expert, just like to have a go using whatever info I have available. I try to do the weekly survey because we see so many birds in the trees around us here even if we dont go outside. Since January we have been living in 3.3 acres of lovely natural forest at the bottom of a little valley near Port Maquarie and get to see quite a variety of birds. I used to do a lot of bird watching in the Kempsey area years ago till I started work and had very little time to spare. Now I can be birdwatching while having breakfast or washing the dishes or even sitting on the loo! (sorry if that was too much information for some people LOL) Best quit while I'm ahead! I'll be keeping in touch! Keep well n happy, Gez


Hi Gez and welcome,sounds like you have your own patch of paradise there.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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