Hi Araminta - not sure just what help you need and not sure what you have seen things used for. Woko sounds like a person who can help you a lot. The ' within a word usually means that a letter is left out, like it's instead of it is. A single ' in a word can also mean ownership such as the cat's paws. A single ' or a double " on each side of a quote indicates someone speaking those words inside the "" as in "Hello". The brackets ( ) are for when you are sort of making a side comment within another sentence like saying "We look forward to Christmas (hope the weather is good)". The square brackets [ ] can sometimes be used as another comment within the first brackets, or just as an ordinary bracket. The = is just an equal sign often used just for maths but can be used otherwise also to show one thing is equal to another. The slash sign / is often an either/or sign like if you don't know if you should say he or she like he/she. Don't know if this is what you mean. If you see ~ or ~~ it is saying approximately or 'about this size'or 'roughly like this'. Hope this is a help but I may have just confused you.
Hi Meave,I don't think we are on the right track here. I do think we need a young person to explain, these are abreviations and have meanings people use when sdending messages. Come on kids, explain some of them to an old chook like me. M-L
Cooee uses them.Owen would know, but he is having a nice holiday right now.
Had a feeling I was telling you what you already know - I did however know that you weren't born here and so might want ordinary meanings. I sympathise as I also don't often know what the young ones are talking about, I have however just given up on most of them. Good luck - the only one I know is LOL !!!
:p is just a face with a tounge sticking out
:o is a face with a open mouth,showing surprise
:x is someone with a closed mouth,in a sense "my mouth's shut"
:| is someone with a straight face,not smiling or crying
:\ is someone who's worried
:B is a nerd or a dork
:1 is someone with a nose,lol
basically,you just have to turn your head 90 degress anti-clockwise to get the picture
Hi Araminta - not sure just what help you need and not sure what you have seen things used for. Woko sounds like a person who can help you a lot. The ' within a word usually means that a letter is left out, like it's instead of it is. A single ' in a word can also mean ownership such as the cat's paws. A single ' or a double " on each side of a quote indicates someone speaking those words inside the "" as in "Hello". The brackets ( ) are for when you are sort of making a side comment within another sentence like saying "We look forward to Christmas (hope the weather is good)". The square brackets [ ] can sometimes be used as another comment within the first brackets, or just as an ordinary bracket. The = is just an equal sign often used just for maths but can be used otherwise also to show one thing is equal to another. The slash sign / is often an either/or sign like if you don't know if you should say he or she like he/she. Don't know if this is what you mean. If you see ~ or ~~ it is saying approximately or 'about this size'or 'roughly like this'. Hope this is a help but I may have just confused you.
Hi Meave,I don't think we are on the right track here. I do think we need a young person to explain, these are abreviations and have meanings people use when sdending messages. Come on kids, explain some of them to an old chook like me. M-L
Cooee uses them.Owen would know, but he is having a nice holiday right now.
Had a feeling I was telling you what you already know - I did however know that you weren't born here and so might want ordinary meanings. I sympathise as I also don't often know what the young ones are talking about, I have however just given up on most of them. Good luck - the only one I know is LOL !!!
( ')=
/L L
is a duck
is a rabbit
/ | \
| | |
kind of a jellyfish
and there's wayyy more :p
That rabbit looks so cute, thanks Nathan. Can you show me some of the shorter ones, like the :p ? I'm fascinated by this. M-L
:p is just a face with a tounge sticking out
:o is a face with a open mouth,showing surprise
:x is someone with a closed mouth,in a sense "my mouth's shut"
:| is someone with a straight face,not smiling or crying
:\ is someone who's worried
:B is a nerd or a dork
:1 is someone with a nose,lol
basically,you just have to turn your head 90 degress anti-clockwise to get the picture
NathanY, you're a genius. Now can you tell me how to pronounce these things?
um,i don't think you can :p
and one more thing,if you don't mind,could you just call me Nathan,instead of NathanY?that would be appreciated :p
Done, Nathan.
Thanks sooo much Nathan, you have enlightened me:o. I used to be such a :B. M-L :p
I'm getting a stiff neck trying to interpret these symbols. That shouldn't :o anyone but it :\ me. Being such a :B maybe I should just :x.
I haven't ever seen most of these, they are great! but I'll never remember what they all are! :B :(