My Top End Finches at home.

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HendoNT's picture
My Top End Finches at home.

Thought i would share some photos of the "locals", that raid our native grasses, they do like having a feed. The Chestnut Breasted Mannikins are delightful little fellows, quite a bit bigger than the Double Bars. Also the young male Crimson Finch was a surprise having a look around the hanging pots under the verandah!

Headsie's picture

Great collection of finches, so hard to get shots of these birds.

JessMess's picture

I absoloutely love Double-Barred's and Crimsons! DB's are just the cutest cheekiest little things, and I love hearing their 'squeak' as I put it. Saw them all this afternoon birdwatching in Darwin and saw my first ever Chestnut-Breasted Mannikins!

Beautiful photos! How amazing to have them in your backyard. Crimsons and DB's just make me inexplicably happy! :)

Woko's picture

Those native grasses are great for attracting a wide variety of bird species as well as butterflies & other creatures. Did you plant yours or did they regenerate naturally, Hendo?

HendoNT's picture

They are planted, but are native to up here, very popular in the landscaping business.

"kangaroo grass" no less!

Correa's picture

Wonderful photos of these cuties, what a delight to have them in your garden.

birdie's picture

Wow they are great shots of all the finches...... lovely little birds. Have seent he double barred and the chestnut breasted btu never the crimson. you are lucky to have them handy

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Superb shots finches. The last time I saw Crimsons was at the Gregory downs pub in the Gulf. Thx for sharing.

Woko's picture

Kangaroo grass Themeda triandra is my favourite native grass. It's regenerating on our place really well after 24 years.

Here's a shot of one of the many stands of kangaroo grass which is the orange-brown grass in the middle distance. One of the advantages of kangaroo grass is that it stays relatively green in summer. In fact, after a summer rain here in SA it really greens up & makes a wonderful fire inhibitor. Unfortunately, the fire authorities have yet to recommend this species for landowners preferring to encourage dry annual grasses in summer by making fire breaks through bushland.

narly's picture

Great pics of some fantastic little birds , how jealous am I


Karen's picture

Lovely to see these.  Don't often see finches around here though there are some double bars at the riverside park.

Brisbane southside.

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