My first ever I.D was a Striated Pardalote. I had just started working in the Kimberley and spotted a bird unlike anything I'd ever seen. Oh so tiny, and with colours so fluorescent and unique, it just blew me away. I immediately raced up to the office and started flicking through the bird books. With the aid of an experienced birder we deduced it was a Striated Pardalote. Such an exciting feeling for a first time birder and that's what kicked it off. Every day I'd be racing in to look at through the book until eventually my friend bought me one of my own.
I'd love to hear if anyone else has a story where they know their passion for birds began.
Until that experience I'd been oblivious to birds which just seems crazy now, but a whole new world has opened up for me and I've found a true passion which is really exciting! :D
It's a great feeling, isn't it, grohlster. Mine was seeing a sun bird when I was holidaying in Queensland. It was all uphill from there.
It sure is an uphill journey Woko :)
A Sunbird, wow, I'd love to see one, I'm heading over to the east coast very soon. Fingers crossed!! XD