the missing Grey Fantail Baby

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Araminta's picture
the missing Grey Fantail Baby

Here it is, the long lost Fantail,hope you like it, M-L

Can I ask for some help again? As I get very close to the birds,(I'm good at sneaking up) my photos fill the frame, with nothing left to crop. How can I get the MB down under 5MB?

soakes's picture

Wow, amazing pictures.

To reduce the file size, simply reduce the image size (width and height), using whatever application you use to edit images.  There will be some loss of quality, but for this sort of forum that will usually not matter much.

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

Owen1's picture

It's good you recovered them, nice detail.

You can easily change the dimensions in Photoshop M-L. just go Image > Resize > Image size

(assuming you have it)

Cheers, Owen.

Meave's picture

What lovely babies! Glad you found them.


kehan's picture

Hi M-L,

I have increased the file size to 10MB - I hope this is sufficient. Lovely photos though.



Araminta's picture

Hi kehan, I am so sorry, but I have no idea what you are talking about. Can you explain to me what you are talking about? I was trying to reduce the size of my photos. Unless you are someone from the website, how can you change the size of the files? Or do you mean, I, and everyone can now post photos up to 10MB??? (excuse my ignorance, I'm not that clever with technology)


birdie's picture

M-L ...... fantastic shots of a beautiful baby. I think you are mistakenly thinking you can only reduce the file size by cropping. As Soakes said, you need to use an editing program to reduce the file size while making it the right size for the forum. There are ways to do this without any visible loss of quality at this size in a forum like this. Or you can just use Flickr still and choose the 640 size which does it all for you  :)

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Araminta's picture

Thanks everyone for you support, especially the moral support, as for the technology , I will master that one day (?).

One more photo of my favourite little bird. Enjoy and have a nice day.


Araminta's picture

Hi kehan, I just noticed that the size IS INCREASED to 10MB. Wow, thanks soooo much!


Correa's picture

Great shots Araminta, we have grey fantails pass through here, love to see them for a day or two in my small garden.

Windhover's picture

You should buy at least Photoshop Elements. Great little program that will have most enthusiastic photographers satisfied. although if you get more into the photography, Photoshop would be a better choice.

Qyn's picture

Another vote for elements, but I think without a student discount I'd prefer to spend the $1K needed for cs5 on another lens although with the size of that canon lens in your avatar I think that "baby" lens is all you need!! <very big grin>

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

GeorgeP's picture

Must have missed these, M-L. Agree with Owen and Akos (Windhover) re Photoshop Elements. It's a cut-down version of Photoshop but will be more than enough for processing your shots. Owen's instructions for reducing your image size are spot on.


Melbourne, VIC

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