Never a dull moment in my garden. This girl was screaming in a tree outside my window, I had to make a dash for the camera again. HaHa There were only three,unfortunately these days people think that's a flock, I think it's sad.
...then there was also my resident Echidna
Enjoy both.
Now I am insanely mad with jealousy Marie-Louise ...... the YTB is my very favourite bird . Not a bad pic of the echidna either!! Well done once again ..... BTW I saw a Flock of 12 fly over the other day when I was at my parents place. It alsways sends me flying outside when I hear their screechy call coming from afar...never have a camera but with them I am happy to just sit and little to them talking to eachother and to watch their languid wingbeats as they pass over me
Sunshine Coast Queensland
That is very interesting, because the three or four in my garden fly that way into the Park every evening, they most likely have their favourite trees there to roost at night. I should follow them one day. We have some trees at our place where about 40 Rosellas roost every night. It is so funny and noisy how the fight over the positions where to sit in the trees for the night. The trees are very dense, so I can hardly see them, the only thing is, there are lots of feather flying before they settle.
Beautiful just beautiful Araminta. I get the long billed black cockatoos in my yard in spring looking for grubs in the peppermint tree so I can sit and watch their antics for hours. You are so lucky.
Thats just lovely. Thanks for sharing. Send them to Lake Macquarie - I have seen them only once in 4 years from a distance !!
What a beautiful bird! I've never seen one at all. I love the echidna too. I've seen those but for how much longer I don't know, as their habitat is being destroyed to put up large housing developments.
Brisbane southside.
I've been away so have missed many posts but I'm glad I looked at this one. I was attracted by the title because the YTBC is one of my favourite birds. I was thrilled to see the echidna because we all fell in love with them in Tassie. We saw them all over the place. We'd love to have one in our backyard. Lovely shots
What lovely pictures, the ones you post always do my heart good! By the way, what sort of camera are you using to get such great shots?
Hi Araminta. The pattern that seems to be devloping at our place is for a flock of about 30 yellow-tailed black cockatoos to appear in spring. Their numbers fluctuate for a few weeks & then decline to 3 or even the solitary bird by late January. We don't see them again until the following spring.
Great photos, you're so lucky M-L.
Every time I see a group of 3 YTBC around this time of year, invariably one of them is a juvenile (and noisy!). I've been disppointed so far that they don't seem to visit my area at all. Have seen them around Hobart, but not in it. One of my favourite birds also. Planting banksias galore and hoping ;)
Your observations are interesting Woko - I wonder if anyone knows where your birds disappear to? I'm keeping a 'bird calendar' for species in my garden and have noticed that Sulphur crested Cockatoos seem to have been absent during autumn and winter, around in small numbers occasionally in spring, and over summer there's been a group of 60 that's around every day now. I'll be interested to keep my eye on this (while hoping for YTBC!) over the coming years.
It's hard to say where they go to, Scott. I get the impression that they intermittently congregate & disperse throughout the Fleurieu Peninsula for most of the year. There are also flocks along the coast from Victor Harbor down to the south east of SA but whether the large numbers I see in spring belong to the Fleurieu Peninsula mob or the mob towards the south east I don't know. The 2 mobs might not even be separate. They might just drift around.
Thanks for your nice comments.
Koalagrrl, I use a Sony SLT-A55V, and a Sony lens.
Wow! Just beautiful!
I'm very jealous of your resident echidna, and I've heard you say you have wombats too.
I think I need to look at getting myself a place out your way it sounds like heaven!
You would come to the right place, Wombats, Koalas, Goannas, Wallabies, Echidnas, Snakes......
Oh my.
Perhaps I shouldn't head down that way. I'd go a bit crazy and try and cuddle them all!
You're giving me a reason for looking forward to coming back to Melbourne.
oh wow. I want to come and visit :)