Buff Banded Rail

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clif2's picture
Buff Banded Rail

Yesterday was out taking some photos at Berrinbar Wetlands on Brisbane's Southside and driving down the road on my way out I noticed this beautiful bird dart into the bushes on the side of the road, so I pulled over and waited and was rewarded with some photos of a bird I had never seen before.

Araminta's picture

That photo was worth the wait, very nice. Like you, I have only seen one, and that quickly darted into the bushes. Well done, thanks for sharing.


clif2's picture

Thanks Araminta,

                               There are always surprises with plumage that some birds possess and this one is striking. I was out near Warwick and had just photographed a Spotted Pardolote (which I had never seen before) and straight after that an Azure Kingfisher and on my way back to camp I saw what I thought was some kind of pigeon and took some photos of it and when I viewed them later realised that it was a female Satin Bower Bird and the plumage on these is also remarkable as well as the bright blue eyes.

                            You must be lucky to have all these Robins in your yard, one day I will have a yard fit for all kinds of Birds and Wildlife to live in.





Araminta's picture

Hi again Shane, make sure you move next to a big State Park like me, and plant, plant  and plant some more native plants. Please post some more photos, they sound very interesting.



What a striking photo, im glad you waited. Its always great when you get to take a shot of a bird that you havent seen before. Hope you get some more . Thanks for posting as like Ml i have never seen one either.

clif2's picture

This is the reason I am becomming addicted to this style of Photography, I guess it was a natural transition from the Macro photos I had been taking because I simply love seeing things not normally seen before by me, and when out photographing Birds you never know what may show up which is half the challenge the other is to see that bird in all its glory on screen. I am new to this game and get a kick out of it as well as exercise and the chance of being in some wonderful places.





Karen's picture

That is a fabulous pic of the Buff-Banded Rail.  Congratulations.  We are due for another visit to the Berrinba Wetlands soon, well, just as soon as we can fit it in.  I haven't explored it very much at all yet.  Was so taken by the beautiful sea eagles there and could have just laid back and watched them circling all day.  Your pic only makes our next visit more urgent.

Brisbane southside.

clif2's picture

My partner several years ago used to take her dog for a swim in the creeks in the wetlands and she often told me about it but being a regular male I wasn't listening attentively, so when I went there for the first time on Wednesday Morning and was impressed with what it had to offer, I got a tune-up about I told you so. Anyway lovely area that the local council have poured heaps of resources into, they have good seating position and lookouts near water The only problem will be "for me anyway" that I think it will get popular, as when I had waited for about 30mins to try to get a picture of one of the 3 Kingfishers I saw that day there were pushbikes and joggers putting the shy birds off, I have nothing against these people because it is a public place afterall. I am hoping to go there this afternoon in fact if I get my act together.

Regards  Shane

p.s. Just a couple photos from wednesday



Karen's picture

Shane, it looks like a bird lover's haven, going by those pics.  The day we went, there were so many picnicers and people walking through that we didn't explore.  A week day would be less crowded.  I did get pics of pelicans though not close up.  Is that a Peaceful Dove in the first pic?  I love the little Silver Eyes, and I love to watch the Darters, wings spread, drying out on the banks.

Pelicans at Berrinba Wetlands last year.

Brisbane southside.

Woko's picture

Great to hear that a council is putting money into conservation. A few signs to encourage quiet jogging & picnicking would be useful, perhaps.

Birdgirl2009's picture

It's amazing how birds with no pretty colours can look so striking. You've really shown its patterns beautifully.

Araminta's picture

More nice photos Shane, I love Silver eyes. Had a few in my garden last year, but haven't turned up yet. (I can't have it all, can I ?)Not sure if the come at a certain time of the year?

Woko, at some of the Wetlands we go to around Melbourne, they have seperated the joggers and the bicycles from the walkers, they are doing their own thing on the other side of a fence.


Woko's picture

I think there is some silver eye migration, Araminta. At our place they're most prevalent when the ruby saltbush Enchylaena tomentosa is in fruit. They just luuuuuurve those berries.

Separating joggers & cyclists from walkers is an interesting idea. Is this to protect the wildlife or to protect the recreationalists from each other?  

clif2's picture

Yes Karen that is a peaceful dove, the photo doesn't show the pale blue around the eyes quite well. The photo you took of the pelicans shows like there was a lot more water and less Lilly pads than now, maybe it was the floods. The Darter scared me at first as it came out from under a lttle bridge and I thought on first instinct that it was a snake. I visited there the very next morning and did get some useful photos but there were quite few people about and there was a fitness training session going on which was noisy especially when they jogged around the billabong with a guy barking loud orders at them, like a military camp and then to top it off they finished their session on the grass not far from the lagoon with loud aerobics type music, that is when I decided to leave, but I guess we can't have it all our own way. I took a photo of the same Darter I believe and If I am right I think that it was yawning I am not sure if birds do that, but it was at sun up and it wasn't in a hurry to get going for breakfast. Anyway I will add a few photos from that day.

Regards Shane



clif2's picture

Yes I am starting to appreciate the brilliant patterns that some birds have and often you can't notice how nice they are until you look at a photo, a bird that stands out to me is the female Satin Bower bird in some photos it almost looks like some kind of quilting on her chest and when your done with that she'll knock you over with her brilliant blue eyes.

   Regards Shane



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