Juvenile Bird ID - honeyeater or finch?

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lyndafen's picture
Juvenile Bird ID - honeyeater or finch?


I photographed this tiny bird in Wombeyan Caves' large picnic grounds. He was near a little water well in front of an apple (sitting on the well's fence post) and I noticed him while photographing bower birds there. Other species around him were yellow faced honeyeater and a few red brown finch, fairy wrens and juvenile/female bowerbirds. I think he's a juvenile as he was so tiny. He gave me this look when he heard the shutter click of my camera and then he flew off. Any idea what species he could be? He was finch sized. I may have another photo at home, I'll have to check.

Link to larger sized photo here: http://www.pbase.com/camlyn/image/142141151

timmo's picture

It's a bit hard to tell from the photo, as the beak is pretty hard to distinguish at that angle, and that would be a key identifying feature for finches or honeyeaters.

To me it looks a bit like a juvenile White Browed scrubwren, but that's just a guess (given the number of little brown birds that I have no idea about...)


soakes's picture

To me it looks a bit like a thornbill, except for its bill :-) and possibly its chest colours..

I'm pretty sure it's not a finch.

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

Araminta's picture

On the larger photo you can see the beak much better, it looks more like a Honeyeater, it has a yellow eyering, If I knew where those caves are? (Yellow-tinted or Fuscous Honeyeater juvenile???) I do have a photo of on with those eyes, later tonight I will look for it, am in a hurry.

Someone will know.


Windhover's picture

It looks like a juvenile White-browed Scrubwren or a thornbill of some kind. Certainly appears to be from the family Acanthizidae.

If you have side-on shots they would also be helpful.

lyndafen's picture

Thank you all for your responses. There were wrens around and yellow faces honeyeaters. Unfortunately the other photo I took has been deleted from my CF card by my husband so this is all I have. I will ID it as a wren then, just curious. He flew off after I took this pic. Thanks again, this looks like a wonderful forum and site.

Woko's picture

I'd be reluctant to ID it as a wren, lyndafen. The yellow front is similar to that of a yellow or even buff-rumped thornbill but it lacks the facial markings of the yellow thornbill. Could I suggest you put it in the unknown-at-this-stage basket rather than call it something which it almost certainly isn't?

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