Just like Cath and Shane, Owen and his Dad, GeorgeP, my husband and I, were taking photos in the same area on the weekend, many times we walk somewhere and see other people like us, (bird mad), and wonder if we should know them?
I think it would be a great idea ,to have some kind of badge, or logo on a T-shirt, so we would recognize , hey, those people are members of BIBY.
What do members think about that?
What a lovely idea M-L.
As staff I can put some thoughts into what you might need, otherwise, it might be something that, as members, you guys might be happier to sort out yourselves.
We don't have BIBY 'merchandise' and I am not sure about whether we would be able to within the BirdLife brand but it is something I can enquire about.
Let me know what you would like me to do :)
I can easily imagine there are advantages in having a logo of some sort but I'm a bit worried it's starting to make things complicated & can imagine future debates over changing the logo etc. Having no identification is a great excuse for using the common interest of bird watching as a peg on which to hang a conversation - if you're not too shy, of course.
Woko, we have a “logo” now. Have you heard anyone debate about it ? People don’t worry about that sort of thing. If people like you want to stay anonymous, you don’t have to wear a badge. I’m only pointing out, that I have seen people in places taking photos and wondered if they could be members. Shy or not (and I’m not!), I think it would be great to find and get to know some of the members in you area, that go to the same places you do.. As for me, I send e-mails to quite a few , and I would like to meet some more, I don’t get that secrecy, (If you have a frequent flyer card they know more about you than your fellow BIBY members.) As a matter of fact , I just had an idea, most of you would know that I live outside of Gembrook,(east of Melbourne), give me some feedback here, “ are you interested in meeting me”?, we could organise (like I have done before), to meet one day outside the Post Office in Gembrook. I'll even giving you my e-mail address, because I’m not too scared, let me know if you want to talk to me, and I’ll put it up. Waiting to hear from you, Marie-Louise
Point taken, Araminta. If people, perhaps like me, don't want to wear identification they don't have to.
Good Idea, I am for it.
There would several options , even a sticker with the logo on your car window would be good, because we met mostly in the car park.
Meeting up sounds good, I wonder if I could ever find myself free on the same day? Great idea though. How did it work out last time you did it? Did many turn up?
Last time only Cath and Shane and I met, we just organised a day and time on here. I simply said, I'm driving a white Discovery and have very short hair (LOL), easy to spot.I just walked around for a bit thinking that has to be them, and bingo. At the moment nothing much is happening, the breeding season seems to be over, but there is always something, even if it's only a drink and a sandwich. You could name any day and time, I live just up the road. I don't think many people would turn up?
I like the whole idea, sounds good. My work hours are a bit unpredictable though. I'm tentatively thinking of Monday week? Any later will be Easter. I can't commit just yet.
Around here there's often not all that much bird activity after 9am, perhaps the afternoon would be better? Any thoughts?
Marie-Louise ...... I can just imagine you going out there and meeting soemone with a badge on after having had a head on discussion on here ..... I can see it now....fisticuffs in the bird hide LOL
That is funny...... but I think it is a great idea to have a logo thing of some sort :)
Sunshine Coast Queensland
You have sassed me out in one way Adrienne, but not in another, because to me even the most heated and controversial discussion on one topic does not exclude to be friendly , civilized and respectful the next.
I'm glad you know that I have a funny side,......LOL
Hi Roger,just let me know what day and time. If anyone else likes to come , feel free. M-L
Monday week, 2nd April, come hail or shine, how's 3.30pm sound Araminta?
(maybe we can feed sausages to seagulls! just joking, it'll be great to meet someone so pasionate about her birds!)
Looking forward to it. I'm bringing a non-forum friend, hope that's OK.
Regards Roger
I'll be at work mostly til then, how can I send you my mobile?
i feel left out...
am i honestly the only member from perth?
Enjoy your meet guys - I am thrilled you are all catching up outside the forum. Hopefully there are some other Perth residents around nathan!
Hi Holly, is there any way this BIBY can act as a 'middleman' and pass on details eg email addresses to other members if requested. For example, can you give Marie-Louise my email address? Otherwise such arrangements can only be made by publically disclosing details on the forums?
Regards Roger
I absolutely can - just email me and I can forward it on: birdsinbackyards@birdlife.org.au
I am looking at forum improvements and what we can afford to do etc - there is an advanced forum module for this type of forum that can enable private messaging but I need to work out if I can install it without breaking anything LOL - I still have a lot of research to do.
Hope you can work it out Holly . I have always kept a gmail address for times when I wanted to put my address up here for someone. As you know I am in touch with a few members outside of the forum and it is a really great way to start a friendship, especially given that within most people's circle of friends finding another sould passionate about birding can be rare at times :)
Sunshine Coast Queensland
aa lives in Perth nathan....if you see one of his posts maybe you could try him? He doesn't come on here often but is a good photographer with knowledge of birding locations.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I am trying birdie :) If only I had infinite time and money!
I agree about forum friends - some of my closest friends are people I met on forums and when we have travelled overseas we have met up with people we met online and have known online for years.
How are you birdie? You have been quiet for a while :)
Holly I am fine thanks.... slowly getting back into life month by month!!! Not getting out to see many birds still yet, maybe once the summer heat dies down and I have a bit more energy.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I missed all that, had to go to Melbourne to the Eye and Ear Hospital, to have my ears cleaned. I waited for 4 hours, left Gembrook at 6:15, just got back.
Nice work guys, all organized. Well, the date and time is good, who knows, would be good to meet more members.
The only problem , there mightn't be any birds? We will have to eat the sausages ourselves, what a terrible thought.
Thanks Holly and Adrienne for helping us with the e-mail.
I have probably confused things now M-L. I suggested 3.30pm above, and 2pm in the email, I'm sure either will do, can you please name a definite time so we all turn up at the same time?
I wondered if it might get dark too soon? I think daylight saving ends the day before. (Can you believe they want to change the clocks on April fools Day!)
Regards Roger
I think 2 pm would be good, thanks Roger.Looking forward to meet you and your friend.