Hi guys
Don't freak out :) I am trying to install and configure the 'advanced forum module' of drupal and seeing what happens. I will try not to break anything but things may change around a heck of a lot as I fiddle around.
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Ok it looks a bit more like a tradtional forum but the photos are showing up too big...
testing photo upload
OK now I see what is happening.... it looks quite different doesn't it? I must admit I find the repply function very confusing as it puts the reply up further into the discussion and so on have fun playing!!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I don't think the location of the reply is any different to where it was before is it? Unfortunately I don't think I can change that, it is a basic feature of the forum style
no the reply copmes wherever you hit reply...... and unfortunately it can be a long way from the end of the discussion. I was trying it out yesterday on Russian bears feeding seagulls thread.... I feel it just confuses the flow really as someone can make a comment four days ago adn your reply will be beofre it as you read. DOes that make sense?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Yep I know what you mean and I don't like it either - I think we may be stuck with it though :(
Yes it is different, but I think it's a matter of taste, and of doing what makes sense Adrienne.
It sometimes makes more logical sense to reply from a post, especially if you are replying only to a particular item and not generally to the post topic.
On the other hand, it does make seeing new posts a bit more difficult if you are just reading the thread.
Testing a quote feature :)
Yuck not quite there yet
Testing a new flat reply feature
OK - so now hitting reply will just put a new post at the end of the thread. I am trying to work out how to fix the quote feature
Testing to see if it puts the quoted reply at the end of the thread or after the commented post
OK so indented replies that are straight after the post you are referring to are now gone (just like in a normal forum). Need to make the quote function look prettier instead of being code though...
I have to agree with Adrienne on the possible reply to posts having been posted some time ago, although it makes sense in one way, they are easily missed if they are not made on your own topic, because you will not get notification by e-mail on them.
Something else I don't like much, and I know many members asked for it, is that you can now change what you said by editing later. Let me say, if I would call a Rosella an Eagle, it would be good if I could correct that a day later , but if Ican change what I said I could change the meaning of a discussion. (Am I making this clear enough? If not, I can always change what I said later?LOL)
BTW, cute dog. Is it just me, or does everything, including the dog ,look a bit too blue?
Thanks ML - the replies will now automatically appear at the bottom of the thread (so it will be in chronological order). You can refer to a certain post by using the quote function but I just have to make it look prettier than it does now.
re the edit function - I can't win with that one ;) Yes it is something that people asked for and honestly will make my life easier because people can edit their own photos rather than me having to go in and do it for them. I agree, it has the ability to change discussions, I don't think that would be a frequent occurence though and I think that if you quote a post, and then the post is changed, the old content should remain in the quoted section.
re the colours - looks fine on my screen and using IE and Chrome. Can anyone else comment. I know ML you have referred to images not looking bright. I have struggled to know what to do on that front as they look fine on my screen????
Yay - quote function seems to be working now :)
Yep.... I like that quote function .... that is more easily understood . I have read a blog likek that where it just makes the boxes smaller each time and it looks great I reckon. Marie -louise this is just a suggewstion, but you do realise that your colours can look different at any stage and every screen will show it a bit differently? I have a new laptop and I am now finding all the colours have a grey tinge to them..... I know you are going to tell mem that you are looking at them on the same screen adn they look fine beforehand straight from your computer :)
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Double checking LOL
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Thanks birdie :) I am just glad I haven't broken anything yet!
I tried to get smilies but there isn't a module for this new version yet so that will have to wait. Have to adjust the image sizes somehow now.
Yes Adrienne, I would say that, my little brain tells me , the logic is simple: the photo comes from my computer, goes somewhere, and comes back. If thats what it does(?), it should still have the same colours. If it would come up on your screen, it might look different.
I hope people will not do the quote all the time, most of the time a simple answer will do.LOL
I should quote Woko, he said a few days ago: I can live with that, probably because I have to.
Woohoo - I have deleted the annoying subject field above the comments too - I am on a roll...
testing resizing photos - you can now resize an image when you insert it by clicking on it and moving in and out. Not exactly what I wanted to do but getting there...
Kudos Holly. Looks like you are learning quickly.
"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."
thanks :) I am bumbling through. Somehow I have done something to the twitter feed below so I have to solve that issue now too :)
I wish you hadnt quoted me because now I have seen all the typos I am making !!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Is it just me or is the quote function looking different again? I am wondering if that happened when I disabled the subject heading?
test - where is this putting the reply
testing to see if I have in fact fixed it...
Geez! I'm glad you guys are having fun with this. Let me know when it's all settled! Even Ms Woko is struggling with it!
Sorry Woko - I know I made some big changes yesterday but hopefully it has improved things, hope it hasn't put you off. It works more like a traditonal forum now.
Still the problem with photos showing up larger than the screen. I am struggling with that one I am afraid.
No worries, Holly. Just another technochallenge. My experience of forums generally is limited so anything that's like a traditional forum means little to me. Actually, so far I've found the new new (sic) one faster to navigate.