water bird at local park?

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rustysmummy's picture
water bird at local park?

Hi I was in my local park and saw this bird. It would dive under the water for over a minute some times and then pop up for not very long and back under again. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what it is? I've tried looking online but no luck. Thanks.


andreas's picture

pied commorant, they dive down to hunt fish. Staus common. 

rustysmummy's picture

Thanks. I think your right!

andreas's picture

I've seen them in big flocks, they will all work together in a line on the water and heard the fish. 

Not sure your picture might be the little pied cormorant. Some asian countries they use the bird for fishing.

Windhover's picture

It's a Little Pied Cormoran, not a Pied Cormorant - the Pied has a bluish patch near its eye.

rustysmummy's picture

It was alone and having been to the park quite a bit I'd never seen one there before. Are they commonly seen alone?

Woko's picture

Yes, but it's also common to see them in the company of others of its ilk. A bit like humans, actually!

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