Hi, We moved to the Hawkesbury area 3 months ago and I have since become quite a bird fanatic. I have managed to identify most of the birds in my backyard (and some around the town) but recently have heard a new call, so I signed up to the forum to ask for help!
This bird makes a very high-pitched "weeeeeeeee" sound, starts high and ends lower. I hadn't seen this bird - it seems to stay in the tops of the trees - until yesterday I saw a whole flock of common myna-sized birds at the top of a nearby tree. The "weeeeeeee" sound seemed to be coming from up there.
They were quite high so I couldn't see any distinctive markings or colourings, but they just looked like smallish black/brown birds.
Any ideas?
Well, after a little more searching, I went for a short walk today and saw one - it's a common starling! So problem solved :)
Well done. Persistence won the day.