ID Please

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Nahar's picture
ID Please

These were taken at Redhead Lagoon near Newcastle over the last weekend. Had a great few hours there. Struggling to identify some of them:

---'s picture

the last one is for sure a brush wattlebird :p

Nahar's picture

And another one

---'s picture

i'm pretty sure it's a spotted pardalote

Woko's picture

My best guesstimates: juvenile white-browed scrub wren, juvenile eastern yellow robin coming into adult plumage, little wattlebird. As always, I'm ready to leap to my feet & stand corrected.

Woko's picture

And the last one which I originally missed & agree with Nathan about is a spotted pardalote, nicely caught at a nesting hole, I'd say. And don't be confused about the brush & little wattlebird. They're one & the same. I used to outdated name.

Nahar's picture

WOW !! What  fantastic members we have in this forum !!  All identified within a few minutes of my posting. Many thanks to Nathan and Woko.

Woko's picture

Ah, Nahar, but are our identifications accurate? I'm confident about the brush (little) wattlebird & the spotted pardalote & I reckon Nathan is too. But the other two I'm not so confident about. Other posters might have other ideas.

Owen1's picture

1. White-browed Scrubwren

2. Brown Thornbill

3. Little Wattlebird

4. Spotted Pardalote

Cheers, Owen.

Araminta's picture

Owen got them all right, as he always does ! I  admire his knowledge. 

( Woko, Yellow Robin Babies look like the one in my photo. Without the lump. No2 is what Owen said, a Brown Thornbill)


Woko's picture

He's a whizz alright!, Araminta. I thought the brown thornbill looked too yellow to be a brown thornbill which is why I wondered if it was an eastern yellow robin coming into adult plumage. But I can see from your photo that the bill shape & size in Nahar's photo is much more like that of a thornbill than an eastern yellow robin. I hope you're reading all this, Nahar!!

Nahar's picture

Thanks everyone. I am enjoying the expert opinions from the background !!

Woko's picture

See what you've started!!

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