Some of the birds we saw yesterday, braving freezing and wet conditions.
I have never seen that many Pelicans in one spot, they were coming and going, fighting for a place on one of the duck nesting boxes.
Juvenile Black-winged Stilt following Mum
can someone tell me what the little one behind the Stilt is?
having a sratch
Not the sharpest photos, they were rather far away, enjoy.
I think it's a juvenile red-necked stint, over-wintering.
Hey Marie-Louise.
Wonderful shots. I love shooting in overcast conditions, as it is great for white feathers! You don't burn them out.
I agree with Woko. While I would not get into discussions on wader ID, as they are not my strong side, I tend to also think it is a Red-necked Stint. Looks so funny behind the stilt. It towers over the little thing...
thanks for the pics
I always like getting pics of Black-winged Stilts
I'm with Akos on Red-necked Stint. Most of the other waders will have headed north by now, whereas some of the stints spend the winter at the treatment plant.
Cheers, Owen.
Beautiful shots M-L .... waders always look so delicate to me. I swaw a flock of 60 pelicans yesterday here ...looked like they were on there way somewhere for the winter. It was wonderful to watch them soar around on the thermals while they looked for a landing spot. Of course I lost sight of them when they did and drove around for half an hour tryhing to find them ..... unsuccessfully .
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Beautiful photos, and I agree with the ID. Thanks for posting, love the pelican shot.
Nice set of shots, M-L. You managed to get closer to the Stilts than I ever have. That place always has something of interest. Agree with the i.d. of the little bird as Red-necked Stint.
Melbourne, VIC
Top shots M-L, I am defo coming to your place :)