Rally Today at Martin Place, Sydney - Starting 12.15

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Platypus's picture
Rally Today at Martin Place, Sydney - Starting 12.15

Dear all,

The Protect our Land and Water Rally is on today!

Please support this if you can as it is an important rally in support of the Australian environment backed by the Nature Conservation Society of NSW.

Woko's picture

I'll be there in spirit, Platypus.

Platypus's picture

Thank you for your support, Woko

CSG is such a threat to the environment hence it is to our feathered friends!


Woko's picture

Nasty stuff, drilling for CSG. Sadly, the costs of doing so don't show up in the drilling companies' accounts.

birdie's picture

As a Queenslander and a conservationist ...I will definitely be there in spirit !!!!!  I am sick of the whole madness that accompanies the industryangry

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Platypus's picture

Thank you Woko, thank you birdie,

very much appreciated.

My heart is bleeding really - here we are, for years regenerating a (by its previous owner) completely cleared property, reaping the first rewards (read LOTS of birds establishing themselves and starting families plus all sorts of wildlife making it their new home as does native fauna) only to be told that CSG mining explorations are imminent. We know as a fact that the gas will all go offshore anyway and the Government won't get any royalties for the first 5 years....the more we read into it and the more we hear from America AND what's happening in QLD, the less we understand the Governments stand. Why not put all the effort and money into renewable energy and treasure what's left of our already scarred continent?! 


birdie's picture

Platypus, I have taken the liberty of moving this to the general forum as I think the Announcements one was mainly for Holly to announce stuff re the forums and the site. it will get a better airing here anyway. I know it will be too late for todeays rally but it is always good to get people to think about stuff like this.

I don't really understand government or economics and a lot of stuff goes over my head , but I cannot understand the preoccupation with CSG ..... it seems like a very short term gain fix......... to bring employment and get the govt out of the mire !!!

Sometimes I think the people just don't look at the big picture......which is...what will we have left after we have pillaged every natural resource???  int he process ...destroying wildlife and land etc . It is beyond meindecision

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Platypus's picture

Thanks for that birdie, I'm still a greenhorn in regards to forums ;)

Btw. We already know that the actual employment figures are grossly overstated by the companies in charge and that the supply is most likely going to run out much quicker than predicted. 


Woko's picture

Spot on, guys. Once it's gone it's gone for ever. Just like extinction.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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