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Araminta's picture

Outside it's cold and the rain hasn't stopped. I might just post two photos of silvereyes. One taken last Sunday, the other a bit older. (the old one with my husband's Pentax K-7)

I saw some silvereyes in my garden this morning, they seem to turn up closer to winter, I don't get it, why would anyone, or any bird want to be in Melbourne in winter? I do't!

WS__0560 (2) DSC00491 (1) enjoy the photos, and keep warm.

clif2's picture

Good photos of a forever moving bird M-L.



Karen's picture

That first pic should be in a photo competition.  It is beautiful.  I love these birds.  They used to be around but not here anymore. 

Brisbane southside.

Araminta's picture

Thanks for your nice comment Shane and Karen. What do you mean Karen, you used to have them, but not anymore. Any idea why?? Were I live they turn up every year around about now, I have seen two in my garden a few days ago. When did you see them last where you live?


Karen's picture

They were here when I first moved in over 30 years ago, along with wrens and finches, but as the gum trees grew, the larger birds moved in and the smaller birds gradually disappeared.  I see the odd one while I am out locally.  I have tried to plant more shrubbery, but every 5 years or so the owners of the house I'm in (I'm renting) come in on their "renewal" projects and totally destroy things, especially around the fence lines.  For years now I've been protecting a pile of debris that the blue tongue lizards live and breed in.  They've nowhere to go that's safe with cats and dogs all round me.

I do think the crows and butcher birds (which seem to thrive around here) are responsible for the disappearance of many small birds.  They raid the nests and take the babies, so the birds move further away to build their nests.  But I know they need the shrubbery too to be safe and secure.  I'm beyond trying to start again, so just enjoy the parrots that come in.

Brisbane southside.

birdie's picture

Lovely shots of a beautiful little bird M-L, I never see them around the suburbs but have seen plenty in local parkland etc.  Karen I can sympathise with the landlords and their clean ups  .  Just hope the council doesnt come and decide to clean up the lantana and weed tangle over the back fence... I live in hope that it will one day produce some small stuff for me to enjoy

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Woko's picture

Isn't lantana a weed that's a huge problem in rainforests, birdie? I think the equivalent pest plant in the Mt Lofty Ranges might be blackberry. Landowners are encouraged to gradually remove it while simultaneously planting local vegetation to provide the cover for the small birds and southern brown bandicoots that use the blackberries. Would such a strategy be appropriate for lantana?

birdie's picture

Yes Woko. Lantana is a weed but once again, it is one of those where there are areas that it provides a valuable habitat for smaller birds. This is a small an controlled patch so it is not such a problem, but there are huge areas of it on the ranges etc that are out of control. If you want to find wrens ...... go and find a  nice thicket of Lantana ..they'll be in the middle of it wink

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Maureen's picture

Lovely photo, capturing the Silvereye feeding for the flower.

RogerM's picture

What a great post, a simple "best photo" post (great photos M-L as always!) followed by a string of informative info about birds, weeds and habitat. This forum is alive and well!

russianbear's picture

Very good! So interesting bird.



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