A new bird in my garden!!! Something must have happened to it , the little bird was sitting on the ground, it looked at me for a few seconds, just enough to get two photos in a hurry, and off he flew.
I have never seen one in my garden before, but there is a creek behind us.
what a stunner
that is a great pic
you are so lucky that he visited you
Wonderful close shot M-L. These are absolutely breathtaking in their beauty. I would say he was after a worm or something on the ground.
Wow M-L....what a great photo op!!! They are the most stunning little birds aren't they???
You are like a bird magnet lol I want to take you out with me all the time !
Well done once again
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Cool sighting. I've never seen one of these on the ground. Period. That's a cool find.
Neither have I Akos, I think something must have happened to it. There were some Kookaburras in the trees, they might have attacked it? But it flew off after it saw me with the camera. Never seen one that close to the house either, although there is a creek on the property next door. I have no idea what juveniles look like? Could it have been a young bird?
Wow, great sighting and quick shooting Araminta, he does look young to me too, but no idea what a young one of those looks like.
Beautiful M-l, I love kingfishers.
You truly are lucky to live in a part of the word that offers you such variety of beautiful birds in your own backyard.
Melbourne, VIC
I'll add to the accolades. Nice. Really nice, Araminta. The diversity of habitat you have around you is a real attractor it seems, a real clue about how to develop areas which will attract birds & other wildlife.
A beautiful pic of a beautiful bird. I have never seen one of these. We get a different type of kingfisher here, but I've never been able to get a photo. I too would love to live in a place where there is so much bird life diversity. You really are very lucky, and the environment around you is lucky to have someone in it who treasures it and cares for it.
Brisbane southside.
.......and there are a few more birds I have heard or seen, but don't have a photo yet.
Thats simply superb M-L. How lucky you are to get a close-up. I cant get to fill the centre circle of my viewfinder @420mm !!
What a find and shot, I'm really jealous!
Cheers, Owen.
Wow M-L, I hope the bird is okay and recovers from what you think may be a problem. Thanks for sharing - I look forward to seeing the other "birds [you] have heard or seen, but don't have a photo" of yet. You are teasing us M-L without giving more details.
"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."
I can tell you about two I have tried to get photos of, one is an Eastern Whipbird, I have seen it , but no photo yet. The other is a Lyrebird, I know where it would be, I have heard it many times, but not seen it. So some challenges for me. I'm not giving up, although I will have to go onto the neighbours property for the Lyrebirds, that might be dangerous, he told me, he doesn't want me there.LOL
wish me luck.
Good luck but be careful as he does not sound like a nice character!
"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."
Great photo and colours.
I had one of these fly into my window. I went outside and picked it up. A few second later it came to and looked at me as if to say Thank You, then flew off.
An Azure on the ground. WOW! Like Akos said, I have never seen one on the ground either. I have spent days waiting for one and I never got to get so close to it yet alone see one land on the ground. Very interesting. Good catch. Well done.
I was born to live and I live to die.